Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Teacher Tuesday: Beverly Edwards

Greensboro Day School will feature one of our teachers as part of Teacher Tuesday and share a look into what it's like to teach at GDS.

Name and current position: 
Beverly Edwards, 3rd grade

How long have you worked at GDS?
This year is my 29th year at GDS.  I came in August of 1986 which was the same year Ralph Davison came to be the new headmaster.  I taught in the North Carolina public schools for 11 years before moving to GDS. 

What is the best part about teaching at GDS?  
I have enjoyed teaching children from the same families.  Once I “join” a family as the teacher of their child, I really like knowing that same family over a period of years as I teach the siblings.  After one or two of the kids have come my way, we become friends.  Secondly, I tell everyone that asks me about teaching at GDS that we are a great big family.  I am invited to confirmations, weddings, wedding parties, baby showers, recitals, athletic events, plays, college graduations, and dinners with the families.  I have even vacationed with GDS families.  I know my students well into their adult years.  It is marvelous when a former student stops by my classroom to visit, especially when they bring their own children to meet me. 

What is something I enjoy teaching year after year?   
Third grade is a fabulous year, and I am totally invested in what we teach.  GDS sponsored several trips to the Native American lands in the desert south west.  I can speak to my students about my own first hand experiences with the Hopi or Navaho people.  Because I received the Brooks Sabbatical grant and traveled to Kenya and Tanzania, I can describe in vivid detail the sights and sounds of the African savannah.  I can make these ancient cultures come alive for my students with the objects and pictures I share each year. 

What is something no one knows about you? 
I am totally addicted to the Angry Birds games as well as the sweet world of Candy Crush. Another interesting bit of personal history is that I slept in a grave yard for an entire night while backpacking in Europe during the summer of 1975.  It’s a great story!